Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Title: Cyber-vigilantes go after scammers

Source: Silicon.com

Date Written: 2005-02-11

Date Collected: 2005-02-14

The 419 Flash Mob, an Internet vigilante group, started attacking fake banking websites February 9, 2005. A statement by Artists Against 419, who supports the 419 Flash Mob, said their aim was to shut down eight such websites within 48 hours using denial-of- service (DoS) attacks in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Many of the attacked websites were hosted by the same service provider in China, and included Abbey Trust & Offshore Bank, First Global Trust, Allied Trust Bank UK, Crystal Bonds & Securities, Allied Trust Bank UK, KASH BANK CORPORATION, and Liberty Stronghold Securities and Finance.

Title: Businesses targeted by ID "hijack" scam

Source: Silicon.com

Date Written: 2005-02-14

Date Collected: 2005-02-14

Online fraud prevention firm Early Warning has discovered a scam targeting British companies through the Companies House database. In this scam, an attacker changes the address of the registered office for a limited company--all that is needed is the current address and the business's registered company number, both of which can be found in an internet search. Once the address is changed, attackers can open trade accounts and order goods in the company's name. Businesses only discover the identity theft when debt collectors and lawsuits appear to recover fraudulently ordered goods. Companies House is working with the Home Office and the Metropolitan Police to address the emerging problem. In the meantime, companies can protect themselves by filing documents electronically through the Proof system, subscribing to the Companies House monitoring service, and periodically confirming registered details.

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