Sunday, June 26, 2005

Homes may be 'taken' for private projects

Updated: 12:23 p.m. ET June 23, 2005

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people’s homes and businesses — even against their will — for private economic development. more »

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

This page is dedicated to Voltaire!

"The story of Zeus transforming himself into a swan so that he might couple with Leda, they call myth, but the tale about a holy ghost impregnating a virgin, they believe..." - Anonymous

Voltaire, Epître sur Les Trois Imposteurs:

Si Dieu n'existait pas, il faudrait l'inventer

If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him

This statement by Voltaire was so famous that Flaubert included it in his Dictionnaire des idées reçues, and it is still frequently quoted today. But where does it first appear? And what precisely did Voltaire mean when he wrote it? Does it imply, as most of Voltaire's parrots seems to suppose, that God is a fictitious being, created for the comfort of the human race?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Red Hat Frees Fedora to the Fedora Foundation

Contributed by Devin

Saturday, 04 June 2005

Red Hat announced that it is releasing the copyrights and development work of the free Fedora version of Linux over to the Fedora Foundation.

Fedora FoundationRed Hat, one of the most popular Linux distributions, forked into two projects back in 2002. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) was targeted at commercial customers, while Fedora was the free, community distribution. Red Hat, Inc. has failed at trying to attract the outside involvement that it hoped to get with the Fedora project.

"The goal of The Fedora Project is to work with the Linux community to build a complete, general purpose operating system exclusively from open source software. Development will be done in a public forum ... By using this more open process, we hope to provide an operating system more in line with the ideals of free software and more appealing to the open source community," the Fedora Project Web site says.

Many developers have critisized the direction Fedora has taken with Red Hat, Inc. at the wheel. Fedora has become a testing ground for new technologies that eventually find their way to RHEL.

Some members of the community think that transfering control of the project to the new Fedora Foundation will keep the project community-driven.
more »

Intel Security:


In the event of an emergency, you may need to evacuate. A natural disaster as well as a terrorist attack can strike quickly and without warning. Depending on the nature of that evacuation you may have to walk a half a mile or more and/or be outside for as long as three hours.

We recommend that you have an emergency "GO" kit that includes:

Comfortable shoes, socks and warm, dry clothes.


A bottle of water, and

Some energy bars.

If told to evacuate, follow the instructions of the Pentagon Police and their Evacuation Assistants.
more »

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Malcolm - underground buildings, earth sheltered architecture, energy efficient houses, passive solar...:

This site is dedicated to the promotion and discussion of:

* underground buildings,

* earth-sheltered architecture,

* eco-friendly design, and

* energy-efficient houses

... particularly the ideas of pioneer architect Malcolm Wells.
more »

Underground buildings have as many personalities

functions, and intriguing stories as surface buildings do. Why are they built? What are they like, inside and outside? Find out by selecting an article from the list below. For your convenience, the most recent articles are listed first:

Entrances to the Underworld Before entering an aboveground building, people can assess its size and character simply by looking at it. A building hidden under the ground offers no such clues, however. Entrance pavilions or kiosks can hint at what lies below, establishing at least a style, if not a sense of scope.

Digging for the Green: Underground Architecture and Sustainable Design Environmental consciousness has been growing for a decade or more among architects. The financial benefits of green design are becoming more apparent, making builders more willing to embrace the movement. Green roofs, for example, are sprouting all over the United States. Why not put them at ground level? more »