Thursday, June 02, 2005

Malcolm - underground buildings, earth sheltered architecture, energy efficient houses, passive solar...:

This site is dedicated to the promotion and discussion of:

* underground buildings,

* earth-sheltered architecture,

* eco-friendly design, and

* energy-efficient houses

... particularly the ideas of pioneer architect Malcolm Wells.
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Underground buildings have as many personalities

functions, and intriguing stories as surface buildings do. Why are they built? What are they like, inside and outside? Find out by selecting an article from the list below. For your convenience, the most recent articles are listed first:

Entrances to the Underworld Before entering an aboveground building, people can assess its size and character simply by looking at it. A building hidden under the ground offers no such clues, however. Entrance pavilions or kiosks can hint at what lies below, establishing at least a style, if not a sense of scope.

Digging for the Green: Underground Architecture and Sustainable Design Environmental consciousness has been growing for a decade or more among architects. The financial benefits of green design are becoming more apparent, making builders more willing to embrace the movement. Green roofs, for example, are sprouting all over the United States. Why not put them at ground level? more »