Tuesday, April 25, 2006



The City of Jacksonville’s Water System (System) recently violated a drinking water standard. There is no reason for concern for the water quality . Although there is no need for alarm, our customers have a right to know what happened and what is being done to correct this situation.

Pursuant to 40 CFR §§ 141.140(a)(1)(ii)(A) and 141.40 (a)(5)(ii)(A), the System is required to collect two samples of the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation (UCMR) List 1 contaminants in one twelve-month period during the years of 2001-2003. The System failed to collect two samples six months apart of the UCMR List 1 contaminants during the required time frame. The System collected only one sample in June 2002, which showed no evidence of any List 1 Contaminants and was not aware of the requirement for a 2nd test within 6 months. Therefore, the System is in violation of 40 CFR §§ 141.140 (a)(1)(ii)(A) and 141.40 (a)(5)(ii)(A). There is no reason for concern for the water quality . The System will be performing the two required samples during January 2005 and June 2005.

Please direct any questions to Ray Holder at (910)938-5272 from 8:00am – 5:00pm weekdays.

Asperger syndrome

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Asperger syndrome (sometimes called Asperger's syndrome, AS, or the more common shorthand Asperger's), is characterized as one of the five pervasive developmental disorders, and is commonly referred to as a form of high-functioning autism. In very broad terms, individuals with Asperger's have normal or above average intellectual capacity, with IQ's at least 80 and atypical or poorly developed social skills, (Social IQ's lower than 75) often with emotional/social development or integration happening later than usual as a result. read more