Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Before I begin I want to state that the following comments are not directed at any one organization or agency, but rather to the American people as a whole.

Sadly to say the scandal at Walter Reed Hospital did not surprise me in the least. Be honest, it did not really take anybody by surprise.

I for one have been screaming at the top of my lungs to anybody that will listen for a few years now. I have begged for assistance in caring for our warriors. Wounded or not every veteran in this country needs to be cared for better.

Not to pick apart one of my associates, but when he agreed with me that every citizen in the united states is responsible for the neglect our veterans have suffered after all wars, whether they be "Domestic or Foreign" "Past or Present" they deserve much more. When he added "if one facility gets more than another, people will complain they get more help than we do." I had to cut him off. I replied that would be just plain childish. This whole scandal is absurd.

We are the people, all of us must bear the burden of what our warriors have had to endure since the creation of this Country. To stand back and point fingers at our Government just does not
compute to me.

We are all to blame. Some more than others. If a person cannot spare one hour out of their busy week to help a Veteran, then they do not get to complain about how our veterans are treated.
Enough said.

"Yigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihi" Cherokee - "May the Great Spirit's blessings always be with you."

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