Thursday, May 05, 2005

Wireless developers plan to meld Bluetooth

Plan comes at crucial time for developing technology

Minutemen end border watch, plan to expand

Gov. Schwarzenegger praises group heading to CaliforniaBy Brock N. Meeks
Chief Washington correspondent
Updated: 11:32 a.m. ET May 4, 2005WASHINGTON - The month-long volunteer effort by a grassroots citizen group monitoring illegal immigration along a desolate 23-mile stretch of the Arizona-Mexico border ended much as it started: in a war of words.

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U.S. unprepared for nuclear terror, experts say

Evacuation plans available to public, first responders faultedBy John Mintz

Updated: 7:21 a.m. ET May 3, 2005When asked during the campaign debates to name the gravest danger facing the United States, President Bush and challenger Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) gave the same answer: a nuclear device in the hands of terrorists. more »