Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Molly.com That's why it's Called Beta:

I WOKE UP this morning to find countless emails and IMs pouring into my accounts asking me about the IE 7 beta.

Some developers are expressing relief at seeing some of the bug fixes and improvements, but of course as I’ve been expressing all along, this is a process with which we have to be patient. Expecting full bug fixes and implementation in any beta software is ridiculous, as is expecting that WaSP / Microsoft Task Force can perform retroactive miracles. more »

E-Mail Wiretapping' Prosecutions Could Increase in the Future

By Gene J. Koprowski

A federal appeals court ruling in Boston last week on e-mail wiretapping is reverberating throughout the Internet community-and legal world-with a consensus emerging that there may be prosecutions in the future for what today is considered normal business practice by ISPs.

The First Circuit Court of Appeals, voting 5-2, ruled that an e-mail service provider that supposedly read e-mail, intended for customers only, could indeed be tried on federal criminal charges.

This is True: The Lord Giveth, the Feds Taketh Away:

When William H. Irvin III received a government check for $836,939.19 in June, 1992, he considered it a gift from God since he had recently prayed for self-sufficiency. A federal court jury in Kansas City, Mo., was unmoved: it was a computer error, they said, not God, which boosted his $183.69 check to the higher amount. Convicted of knowingly spending government money, filing a false tax return and money laundering, he faces 43 years in prison and a $1.25 million fine. (AP) ...Then his prayers have been answered: he won’t have to buy food or shelter for 40 years.