Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Why you should switch to Firefox

By Robert Vamosi
Senior editor, CNET Reviews

Can you imagine the Internet without pictures? A new flaw in the way Windows, and therefore Internet Explorer, renders JPEG images--one of the most common image formats on the Web--should make you think twice about whether you should display them. At the very least, it should nudge you into considering an alternative Internet browser, such as Firefox.

The code to exploit this flaw is now public. Usually, exploit code release is the first step toward a new virus or worm, and as we have seen before, the time from exploit to virus is generally about two to three weeks. In other words, the clock is ticking.

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US missile defense test fails again

National Missile Defense (NMD) The second US interceptor missile defense test in less than two months has failed, as Washington proposes cuts in the program.
» Read full story

Security Watch Special: Windows XP SP2 Has a Dangerous Hole

Security Watch Special: Windows XP SP2 Security Center Spoofing Threat.Top Threat: Windows Security Center Spoof. Windows XP Service ...

Excerpt from "The Diary of Samuel Pepys"

Samuel Pepys, who was later the administrator of the British Navy, witnessed the Great Fire of London firsthand and wrote about it in his diary as follows. . . .

September 2

Lords day. Some of our maids sitting up late last night to get things ready against our feast today, Jane called us up, about 3 in the morning, to tell us of a great fire they saw in the City.

So I rose, and slipped on my nightgown and went to her window, and thought it to be on the back side of Markelane at the furthest; but being unused to such fires as followed, I thought it far enough off, and so went to bed again and to sleep. read more

IBM Introduces Budget Unix Server

TechNewsWorld, CA - Feb 8, 2005
IBM continued its extension to the small and medium business market this week as the company unveiled its entry-level, Unix-based p5 510 server, priced at just ...


Randex Goes After Windows

New virus version searches for open ports and poorly-protected systems.
Plus: Why buy password-cracking software?

Dvorak on Google and Wikipedia

Posted by CowboyNeal on Tuesday February 15, @10:55AM
from the looking-for-strings dept.
cryptoluddite writes "PC Magazine has an article by John C. Dvorak expanding on the community discussion of Google's offer for free web hosting of Wikipedia. Those against the deal point out that Google may be planning to co-opt the encyclopedia as Googlepedia (by restricting access to the complete database). In a revealing speech given by the Google founders, Larry Page says he would 'like to see a model where you can buy into the world's content. Let's say you pay $20 per month.' Should public domain information be free?" It's a pretty scary scenario painted, but one can hardly take a speech from 2001 as serious evidence these days.

IE breaks free from Windows

From C-Net News
Version 7.0 of browser won't wait for OS update, Gates says. Also: Anti-spyware, free of charge.
Is Microsoft running scared?

This could happen to you.

Remember this when you leave for vacation.
Posted by Hello

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Worldwide, there is substantial agreement that humankind is being prepared for a momentous change in consciousness, which will effect all institutions on earth.
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