Tuesday, March 08, 2005


The moderator of Tactical@yahoogroups.com recently posted an email alert to several egroups. This alert was an issued by the U.S. Attorney General’s Office. This email expressed a new level of concern re an impending al-Qaeda (aQ) attack between now and Inauguration Day. This email has been circulating for the last two weeks. Other intel sources have been quick to point out this alert is not based on any new info/intel. A recent report by Bill Gertz in the Washington Times has much the same information.

While this threat assessment is very real, these alerts never really say what we should be alert for. What are the potential targets in California? Are there any relationships to the Inland Empire? Who is the enemy and the ideology that drives it? How is the enemy organized and what are its operational tactics? What are activities and behaviors that might tip the existence of an aQ cell? Further the traditional law enforcement paradigm is ill-equipped to counter this new threat. We are the domestic boots on the ground.

Al-Qaeda seen planning for 'spectacular' attack

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