WASHINGTON — A deal with Switzerland settling U.S. demands for the names of suspected tax dodgers from a Swiss bank has a lot of wealthy Americans with offshore accounts nervously running to their tax advisers — and the Internal Revenue Service.
"They are very frightened," said Richard Boggs, chief executive of Nationwide Tax Relief, a Los-Angeles-based tax firm that specializes in clients with tax debts exceeding $100,000. "You have the super rich who are not used to being pushed around and they are finding themselves in unfamiliar territory."
The U.S. and Swiss governments announced a court settlement last week in efforts by the IRS to force Zurich-based UBS AG to turn over the names of some 52,000 Americans believed to be hiding nearly $15 billion in assets in secret accounts.
Justice Department and UBS lawyers told a federal judge in Miami in a brief conference call Wednesday they had initialed a final deal. But they did not disclose any details, such as how many of the 52,000 names sought by the IRS will be revealed.
Even before the settlement, the high-profile case — coupled with other U।S। efforts to go after Americans hiding undeclared assets — has scared hundreds of tax dodgers to turn themselves in। Boggs said his firm has been taking on 100 new cases a month, a big increase over previous years। read more
Owners/residents of Gottschalk need to know fire procedures and how fire if fought on boats at the marina, where alarms are positioned, etc.
Water lines at Marina need to be repaired and insulated fully.
1. Water pipes have been broken for weeks at a time with water pouring out. The pipes don't appear to be insulated. I don't know how to contact base maintenance or how to report these type problems. Sometimes in cold weather all dock faucets are opened to prevent freezing, I think. This causes numerous slick icy spots on the docks—a hazzard.
2. I don't see a fire fighting unit on the dock area-just a pull alarm unit. I was told by a fire department alarm guy that we have alarms and a fire boat can respond. If a boat is on fire it could spread fast to other boats. Are there written procedures concerning fire or other emergencies at the marina??
3. Ordering parts through Paxton only arrive on Thursdays. Is it possible to request next day delivery from Paxton?
4. Electricity seems problematic at times of high use. My breaker pops under heavy use. To whom or where can I report it?
5। There is a non-working pump out unit but apparently belongs to the Yacht Club?? Could it be transferred to someone or to the Marina so it can be maintained for use? I was told pump out could be dumped in the sewage outlet behind the washer/dryer building—is that correct?
6. The artificial turf material on the main dock area is torned and a tripping hazzard. Can it be removed or repaired?
7. Is there a procedures book for the marina? I could include who is responsible for what and what are the contacts numbers/emails? Or,maybe an information bulletin board for residents of the marina would work better??